A través de esta Política de Privacidad le informamos que las fotografías que estén colgadas en la web son propiedad de C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , incluyendo las de los menores, en las que, para la obtención de estas, se ha obtenido el consentimiento previo de los padres, tutores o representantes legales mediante la firma de los formularios realizados al efecto por los centros en los cuales los menores forman parte. Sin embargo, los padres, tutores o representantes de los menores, como titulares del ejercicio de los derechos de estos, y siempre previo requerimiento formal por escrito, pueden indicar la negativa al uso de la imagen del menor; en este caso, la imagen se mostrará pixelada.


Le informamos que C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  puede tener presencia en redes sociales. El tratamiento de los datos que se lleve a cabo de las personas que se hagan seguidoras en las redes sociales (y/o realicen cualquier vínculo o acción de conexión a través de las redes sociales) de las páginas oficiales de C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  se regirá por este apartado, así como por aquellas condiciones de uso, políticas de privacidad y normativas de acceso que pertenezcan a la red social que proceda en cada caso y aceptadas previamente por el usuario.

C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  tratará sus datos con las finalidades de administrar correctamente su presencia en la red social, informándole de actividades, productos o servicios del prestador, así como para cualquier otra finalidad que las normativas de las Redes Sociales permitan.

Queda prohibida la publicación de contenidos:

– Que sean presuntamente ilícitos por la normativa nacional, comunitaria o internacional o que realicen actividades presuntamente ilícitas o contravengan los principios de la buena fe.

– Que atenten contra los derechos fundamentales de las personas, falten a la cortesía en la red, molesten o puedan generar opiniones negativas en nuestros usuarios o terceros y en general cualesquiera sean los contenidos que C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  considere inapropiados.

– Y en general que contravengan los principios de legalidad, honradez, responsabilidad, protección de la dignidad humana, protección de menores, protección del orden público, la protección de la vida privada, la protección del consumidor y los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial.

Asimismo, C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  se reserva la potestad de retirar, sin previo aviso del sitio web o de la red social corporativa aquellos contenidos que se consideren inapropiados.

Las comunicaciones remitidas a través de las redes sociales serán incorporadas a un archivo propiedad de C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , pudiéndole enviar información de su interés.

Puede acceder a más información, así como consultar las empresas que forman parte de C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , mediante el siguiente enlace: www.cibermatika.com.com/politica-de-privacidad.

En todo caso, si Vd. remite información personal a través de la red social, C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  quedará exento de responsabilidad en relación a las medidas de seguridad aplicables a la presente plataforma, debiendo el usuario en caso de querer conocerlas, consultar las correspondientes condiciones particulares de la red en cuestión.


Los datos que nos facilite se tratarán de forma confidencial. El Prestador ha adoptado todas las medidas técnicas y organizativas y todos los niveles de protección necesarios para garantizar la seguridad en el tratamiento de los datos y evitar su alteración, pérdida, robo, tratamiento o acceso no autorizado, de acuerdo el estado de la tecnología y naturaleza de los datos almacenados. Así mismo, se garantiza también que el tratamiento y registro en ficheros, programas, sistemas o equipos, locales y centros cumplen con los requisitos y condiciones de integridad y seguridad establecidas en la normativa vigente.


El idioma aplicable a esta Política de Privacidad es el español. Por tanto, en caso de que hubiera alguna contradicción en alguna de las versiones facilitadas en otros idiomas, prevalecerá la versión en español.


En el supuesto de que el usuario envíe su CV a través de nuestra web, le informamos que los datos aportados serán tratados para hacerlo partícipe de los procesos de selección que pueda haber, llevando a cabo un análisis del perfil del solicitante con el objetivo de seleccionar el mejor candidato para el lugar vacante del Responsable. Lo informamos que este es el único procedimiento oficial para aceptar su currículum, de forma que no se aceptarán los currículums remitidos por otro procedimiento diferente. En caso de producirse alguna modificación en los datos, le rogamos nos lo comunique por escrito lo más ante posible, con objeto de mantener sus datos debidamente actualizados.

Los datos se conservarán durante un plazo máximo de un año, transcurrido el cual se procederá a la supresión de los datos garantizándole un total respecto a la confidencialidad tanto en el tratamiento como en su posterior destrucción. En este sentido, transcurrido el mencionado plazo, y si desea continuar participando en los procesos de selección del Responsable, le rogamos nos remita nuevamente su currículum.

Los datos se podrán tratar y/o comunicar a las empresas integrantes de nuestro grupo durante el tiempo de conservación de su currículum y para los mismos fines antes informados.


En el supuesto de que el usuario se subscriba al blog, le informamos que los datos aportados serán tratados para gestionar su suscripción al blog informativo con aviso de actualización y que se conservarán mientras haya un interés mutuo para mantener el fin del tratamiento. Cuando ya no sea necesario para tal fin, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas para garantizar la seudonimización de los datos o destrucción total de los mismos. No se comunicarán los datos a terceros, excepto obligación legal.


En el supuesto de que el usuario quiera publicar su opinión en la web, le informamos que los datos aportados serán tratados serán para atender las sugerencias propuestas, experiencias u opiniones respecto de los productos y/o servicios para ser publicadas en la página web y así poder ayudar a otros usuarios. Los datos se conservarán mientras haya un interés mutuo para mantener el fin del tratamiento y cuando ya no sea necesario para tal fin, se suprimirán con medidas de seguridad adecuadas para garantizar la seudonimización de los datos o destrucción total de los mismos. Los testigos se publicarán en nuestra página web. El único dato personal que se publicará del testigo será su nombre.


C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  se reserva el derecho a modificar la presente política para adaptarla a novedades legislativas o jurisprudenciales.


A todos los efectos las relaciones entre C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  con los Usuarios de sus servicios telemáticos, presentes en esta Web, están sometidos a la legislación y jurisdicción española a la que se someten expresamente las partes, siendo competentes por la resolución de todos los conflictos derivados o relacionados con su uso los Juzgados y Tribunales de Tenerife.

Privacy Policy

In compliance with Chapter II of Act 34/2002, LSSICE, we inform you that this Website is the property of C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , henceforth also of the Provider, with address in Calle Vueltas, 19 Local 2 – Valle Gran Rey (La Gomera) 38870, Valle Gran Rey, telephone number: 922805999 and email: info@cibermatika.com.

C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , is responsible for this Website and in accordance with the provisions of current regulations on the protection of personal data, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 as of April 27, 2016 (GDPR) on the Protection of Personal Data, with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of said data, Spanish Organic Law 15/1999, as of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and Law 34/2002, as of 11 July, of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSICE), has implemented all security measures, both technical and organizational, established by the Spanish Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 (which develops the LOPD) to guarantee and protect confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the data entered.

For the purposes of the provisions of the LOPD, C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  informs you that the information you are voluntarily providing us will be incorporated into our information systems in order to carry out the necessary commercial and administrative procedures with website users. The operations foreseen to be carried out are as follows: respond to inquiries and/or provide information requested by the User; perform the provision of services and/or products contracted or subscribed to by the User; carry out all those activities of C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  described in this legal notice, and submit the website newsletter.

The signer guarantees the veracity of data provided and undertakes the need to communicate any changes that may occur in them.

The Provider, marked by an asterisk (*) in the corresponding boxes of the contact form, informs the User of these obligations, indicating what data is necessary. By indicating and entering the data, the User grants unambiguous consent to C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  to proceed with the processing of said data provided for the purposes previously mentioned.

Failure to provide the requested personal data or failure to accept this data protection policy means that it is impossible to subscribe, register, or receive information about the Provider’s products and services.

In accordance with the regulations in force regarding the protection of personal data, the Provider is complying with all the provisions of the regulations GDPR and LOPD for the treatment of personal data in their responsibility, markedly with the principles described in Article 5 of the RGPD and to Article 4 of the LOPD, by which they are treated in a lawful, loyal and transparent manner in relation to the interested party and adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are treated.

The DATA CONTROLLER guarantees that he has implemented appropriate technical and organizational policies to apply the security measures established by the GDPR and the LOPD to protect the rights and freedoms of the Users.

In accordance with these regulations, then, we inform you that you have the right to request access, rectification, portability, and deletion of your data and the limitation and opposition to your treatment by contacting a Calle Vueltas, 19 Local 2 – Valle Gran Rey (La Gomera) 38870, Valle Gran Rey, sending an email to info@cibermatika.com , indicating as Subject: «LOPD, ARCO Rights», and attaching a photocopy of your ID or any similar legal identification, as indicated by law. You have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of the treatment carried out before the withdrawal of consent. You also have the right to submit a claim to the supervisory authority if you believe that your rights may have been violated in relation to the protection of your data (agpd.es).


The information you provide will be treated confidentially. The Provider has adopted all the technical and organizational measures and all the levels of protection necessary to guarantee the security in the treatment of the data and to avoid its alteration, loss, theft, treatment, or unauthorized access, according to the state of technology and nature of the stored data. Likewise, it is also guaranteed that the treatment and registration in files, programs, systems or equipment, premises, and centers comply with the requirements and conditions of integrity and security as established in the current regulations.

C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  will not transfer personal data to third parties, except by legal obligation. However, in the case of being transferred to a third party, information would be prior obtained by the User requesting the express consent for such assignment. The entity responsible for the database, as well as those that intervene in any phase of the treatment, and/or the entities to which they have been notified, -in any case always with the corresponding authorization granted by the user-, are obligated to observe professional secrecy, the adoption of protection levels, as well as technical and organizational measures necessary to ensure the security of personal data, avoiding, as far as possible, unauthorized access, illegal modifications, subtractions and/or loss of data, in order to ensure the corresponding level of security of the Providers’ files, according to the nature and sensitivity of the data provided by the users of this Website.


The User declares to have been informed of the conditions regarding the protection of personal data, accepting and consenting to the automatic treatment of the same by C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Policy of Protection of Personal Data.

Through this Privacy Policy we inform you that the photographs that are posted on the website are the property of C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , including those of minors, of which, in order to obtain these, prior consent has been obtained from parents, tutors, or legal representatives by signing the forms made for that purpose by the centers in which the minors are part of. However, the parents, guardians, or representatives of the minors, as legal holders of the exercise of rights of previously mentioned minors, and always providing a previous formal request in writing, may indicate the refusal to use the image of the minor; in this case, the image will be shown in a pixelated form.


The User is solely responsible for the accuracy and veracity of the data sent to C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA , exonerating the Provider of any responsibility in this respect. Users guarantee and are held liable, in any case, regarding the accuracy, validity, and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep the data provided properly updated. The User agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form.


C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  reserves the right to update, modify, or eliminate the information contained in the website, and may even limit or refuse access to information.

C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  does not assume any type of responsibility for the information contained in the websites of third parties that can be accessed through the links from any Web age owned by the Provider.

The presences of links are for informational purposes only and in no case does it imply any suggestion, invitation, or acknowledgment regarding them.


In the event that the User submits his CV through our website, we inform them that the information provided will be treated to make them participant in the selection processes that may exist, carrying out an analysis of the applicant’s profile in order to select the best candidate for the vacancy of the Responsible. We inform you that this is the only official procedure to accept your CV, so CVs submitted by another procedure will not be accepted. In case of any change in the data, please inform us in writing as soon as possible, in order to keep your data properly updated.

The data will be kept for a maximum period of one year, after which the data will be deleted guaranteeing a total respect to confidentiality, both in the treatment and in its subsequent destruction. In this sense, once the aforementioned deadline has elapsed, and if you wish to continue participating in the selection processes of the Responsible Party, please resubmit your CV.

The data may be processed and/or communicated to the member companies of our group during the time of conservation of the curriculum and for the same purposes previously reported.


In the event that the User subscribes to the blog, we inform you that the information provided will be processed to manage your subscription to the information blog with update notices and that it will be kept until there is a mutual interest to arrive to the end of the treatment. When it is no longer necessary for that purpose, they will be eliminated with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or the total destruction of the data. The data will not be communicated to third parties, except where there is a legal obligation to do so.


In the event that the User wants to participate in the web forums, we inform him that the data provided will be treated to regulate the participation in it. Any registration or transmission of personal data provided by the User in this forum implies the unambiguous knowledge and acceptance of the Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy set forth on the website. The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to arrive at the end of the treatment and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be suppressed with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or total destruction of the data. The publications will be publicly displayed to Users of the online forum.


In the event that the User wants to publish their opinion on the web, we inform you that the information provided will be appraised to address the proposed suggestions, experiences, or opinions regarding the products and/or services in order to be published on the website in pursuance of helping other users. The data will be kept as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain until the end of the accord and when it is no longer necessary for that purpose, it will be suppressed with adequate security measures to guarantee the pseudonymization of the data or total destruction of the data. The testimonies will be published on our website. The only personal data that will be published in regards to the testimony author will be its name.


C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  reserves the right to modify the current policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.


C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  reserves the right to modify the current policy in order to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.

According to the LSSICE, C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  does not perform SPAM practices, therefore, it does not send commercial e-mails that have not been previously requested or authorized by the User. Consequently, in each of the forms of the Web Page, the User has the possibility of giving his express consent to receive our Bulletin e-mails, independently of the commercial information punctually requested.


For all purposes, the relations between C.B. GOMERA CIBERMATIKA  and the Users of its telematic services, present on this Website, are subject to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction to which the parties expressly submit, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising or related to their use the Courts of Tenerife.